Monday, August 31, 2009
~Heng AH!!~

Sunday, August 30, 2009
~I want nobody NOBODY BUT U!~
Hahahaa.... this song is dedicated to my frens who loves Wonder Girls...hahaha...
I want nobody nobody BUT U!!! LOL!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
~Birthday Blessings~
- Hairdryer frm my God Sis, Mel
- Pink Wallet, cookies and tea bags from Boon, SL, XY, Leong, PSH, Ling, Mary & WT
- Flowery wallet frm my sis
- 2 DKNY perfumes frm Hui- flew over frm UK + Chocolates frm Paris (souvenirs)
- A Karen Mok Perfume which i exhanged with John Little vouchers which my dad gave to me
- Big Fat Ang Baos frm Mummy, Dad & Mel's mum
- I've still got a pink hairband frm WX but its not with me now
- And something frm Alvin & Jon
Well, thank you my frens and family... I'm pampered...
Oh ya... Min couldnt get to meet me cos she's very busy, so she actually sent me the watch through registered post.. the post man left a note at the door so i thought i missed him pressing the bell and so i went all the way walking down to the post office under the hot hot sun... i didnt read carefully that the note had a sentence in tiny printing until i arrived at the counter and reading, '....available the next working day.' SHIT!.... i walked all the way down but it wasnt collectable yet... and im perspiring a pool out of me...anyway.. the next day i managed to get it.. initially i thought it was from Hui/Alvin sending somthing frm UK..
Another happy thing was that my Harry Potter bookset had safely arrived in very good condition frm UK!!! The ETA date they gave me was so exact that i am very impressed ..
Friday, August 21, 2009
~I Hate Wisdom Teeth~
I seriously dont know why do we need to have Wisdom Teeth??
Extracted from Wikipedia: Third molar teeth (commonly referred to as wisdom teeth) consist of the mandibular and maxillary third molars; they usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. They are called wisdom teeth because usually they come in when a person is between age 17 and 25 or older—old enough to have supposedly gained some wisdom..
I dont need stupid molar teeth to show pple that i have wisdom...
AND it gives problems!!!
- U have enough teeth already for chewing food and biting whatsoever, your boyfriend maybe for not buying you a Gucci bag..
- U have trouble brushing teeth all the way at the back..
- U have no rooms for them at all unless you are so damn lucky OR maybe you have a protruding jaw like your friends in Jurassic Park...
- And ITS DAMN EXPENSIVE to get rid of it!!!!!!!!!!
- Its Painful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've already have both out on my left, upper & lower.. the upper one i have no problems with it even though its kind of slanted.. The lower one i have to get it extracted soon as im afraid that there might catch some food remains in there..AND today, i found that the right lower one seems to be on its way out soon... Fuck it...
Well, fuck it!
Fuck! Bitch it...
Monday, August 17, 2009
~Sudden Urge~
AND i saw this on youtube.. my gawd.. this girl can really sing... she's giving me goosebumps...wished i could sing like her...
Check out on her : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charice_Pempengco
A New Star Arising?
My Heart Will Go On & On~
Saturday, August 15, 2009
~Chipmunks Edition- Sweeney Todd~
Sweeney Todd:
What can I do for you today sir?
Stylish trimming of the hair?
Soothing skin massage.
Sit sir , Sit.
Judge Turpin:
You see sir a man infatued with love.
Her ardent and eager slave.
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
and lend me a more seductive tone,
a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne
but first sir I think a shave.
Sweeney Todd:
The closest I ever gave
Judge Turpin:
In a merry mood today Mr. Todd?
Sweeney Todd:
Tis your delight sir catching fire from one man to the next.
Judge Turpin:
Tis true sir love can still inspire the blood to pound,
the heart leap higher. What more
What more can man require?
Judge Turpin:
Than love sir
Sweeney Todd:
More than love sir
Judge Turpin:
What sir?
Sweeney Todd:
Judge Turpin:
Ah yes women
Sweeney Todd:
Pretty women.
Now then my friend.
Now to your purpose.
Patience. Enjoy it.
Revenge can't be taken in haste.
Judge Turpin:
Make haste and in this work you'll be commended sir
Sweeney Todd:
My lord!
And who may it be said is your intended sir?
Judge Turpin:
My ward
Pretty as a rose bud
Sweeney Todd:
Pretty as her mother?
Judge Turpin:
Huh? What was that?
Sweeney Todd (spoken):
Nothing sir. Nothing.
May we proceed?
Pretty women
Sipping coffee,
Pretty women
Are a wonder.
Pretty women!
Sitting in the window or
Standing on the stair
Something in them chills the air.
Pretty women
Judge Turpin:
Sweeney Todd:
Stay within you,
Judge Turpin:
Sweeney Todd:
stay forever,
Judge Turpin:
Breathing lightly...
Sweeney Todd:
Pretty women,
Judge Turpin and Sweeney Todd(together and alternating):
Pretty women!
Blowing out their candles or
Combing out their hair,
Combing out their hair then they leave
Even when they leave you and vainish they somehow can still can remain there with you
Even when they leave
They still are there.
They're there
Ah! Pretty women,
Sweeney Todd:
At their mirrors,
Judge Turpin:
In their gardens,
Sweeney Todd:
Judge Turpin:
Sweeney Todd:
Sweeney Todd and Judge Turpin:
How they make a man sing!
Proof of heaven as you're living,
Pretty women! Sir, pretty women!
Yes pretty women,
Pretty women,
Pretty women,
Pretty women
Friday, August 14, 2009
~Good Film Worth Waiting- Alice In The Wonderland~

He used most of the same old people who he worked with before...
Johnny Depp, Helena Boham Carter, Timothy Spall, Alan Rickman....
And this time, Anne Hathaway is in too!! Remember the Princess Diaries girl??
Will it be as good as those he had made in the past?? i bet it will...
Coming to theatres, March 2010!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
~Good Movie To Share: Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street~
If you do not know who is Tim Burton, you must have at least watched one of his splendid films before, such as Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas and he had directed in movies like Charlie & The Chocolate Factory and Batman....
In Sweeney Todd movie, it is an adaptation of a 1979 award winning musical thriller and in this tale, presented too as a musical, Sweeney Todd (formerly know as Benjamin Barker) was falsely charged and sent away to life of hard labour by the corrupted Judge Turpin who lusts after Todd's beautiful wife Lucy. Lucy just had a baby girl with Todd then and was named Johanna.
Lucy was later raped by Judge Turpin and consumed arsenic which drove her crazy. Johanna then became Turpin's ward, like her mother but was later on rescued by a man she loved.
Todd managed to come back London, he lodged above floor of Miss Lovett's pie shop and vows revenge, re-opening his barber shop.
So with the help of Miss Lovett, Todd began his killing the victims with his straight razor and the dead bodies were made into meat pies and sold to the public. A convenient way of disposing bodies and earning money.
! This movie is not gross but it is bloody. Watch out if you are scared of blood.
As for the casts, there are a few familiar faces... i wonder if Britain has limited actors/actresses or if they really love using them in almost every show. lol. i love it though.

Miss Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter) as Miss Lovett...she can sing really well and funny...

Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd and is shaving for Judge Turpin... and yes.. Turpin is Mr Alan Rickman (Severus Snape in Harry Potter)... haha.. he can quite sing too... lol.......

Lyrics :
Sweeney Todd:
There's a hole in the world
like a great black pit and it's
filled with people
who are filled with shit
and the vermin of the world inhabit it.
Mrs. Lovett: [Gasp]
A customer!
Whats your rush?
Whats your hurry?
You gave me such a-- fright!
I thought you was a ghost
Half a minute, cant ya? Sit!
Sit down! Sit!
All I meant is that I havent seen a customer for weeks
Did you come in for a pie, sir?
Do forgive me if me heads a little vague--
What is that?
But you'd think wed had the plague
From the way that people
Keep avoidin--
No you dont!
Heaven knows I try, sir!
But theres no one comes in even to inhale
Right you are, sir, would you like a drop of ale?
Mind you, I can hardly blame them
These are probably the worst pies in London
I know why nobody cares to take them
I should know - I make em
But good? No!
The worst pies in London
Even thats polite
The worst pies in London
If you doubt it, take a bite--
Is that just disgusting?
You have to concede it
Its nothing but crusting
Here drink this, youll need it
The worst pies in London
And no wonder with the price of meat
What it is
When you get it , Never
Thought Id live to see the day
Mend think it was a treat
Finding poor animals
Wot are dyin in the street
Mrs. Moony has a pie shop
Does a business, but I notice somethin weird--
Lately all her neighbours cats have disappeared
Have to hand it to her
Wot I calls Enterprise
Poppin pussies into pies
Wouldnt do in my shop
Just the thought of its enough to make you sick
And Im telling you them pussy cats is quick
No denyin times is hard, sir
Even harder than the worst pies in London
Only lard and nothing more
Is that just revolting?
All greasy and gritty
It looks like its molting
And tastes like-- well, pity
A woman alone
With limited wind
And the worst pies in London!
Ah, sir
Times is hard
Times is hard
Lyrics :
Sweeney Todd:
These are my friends
See how they glisten
See this one shine
How he smiles in the light
My friend
My faithful friend
Speak to me, friend
Whisper - I'll listen
I know, I know
You've been locked out of sight all these years
Like me, my friend
Well I've come home
To find you waiting
Home - and we're together
And we'll do wonders
Won't we
You there, my friend
Mrs. Lovett:
I'm your friend too, Mr. Todd
Sweeney Todd:
Come let me hold you
Mrs. Lovett:
If you only knew, Mr. Todd
Sweeney Todd:
Now, move aside
Mrs. Lovett:
Ooh, Mr. Todd
Sweeney Todd: You grow warm in my hand
Mrs. Lovett: Youre warm in my hand
Sweeney Todd:
My friend
Mrs. Lovett:
You've come home
Sweeney Todd:
My clever friend
Mrs. Lovett:
Always had a fondness for you, I did
Sweeney Todd:
Rest now, my friends
Mrs. Lovett:
Never you fear, Mr. Todd
Sweeney Todd:
Soon I'll unfold you
Mrs. Lovett:
You can move in here, Mr. Todd
Sweeney Todd:
Soon you'll know
Splendors you never have dreamed all your days
Mrs. Lovett:
Will be yours
Sweeney Todd:
My lucky friends
Mrs. Lovett:
I'm your friend
Sweeney Todd: 'Till now your shine
Mrs. Lovett: Now youre mine
Mrs. Lovett:
Dont they shine beautiful
Sweeney Todd:
Was merely silver
Mrs. Lovett:
Silvers good enough for me
Sweeney Todd:
Mrs. Lovett:
Mr. T.
Sweeney Todd:
You shall drip rubies
You'll soon drip precious
Sweeney Todd:
"Leave me."
"At last! My arm is complete again."
* I do not own any part of these movies. No Copyright Infringements. *
Love them too? Go get the vcd/dvd at the video shops now....bought mine @ only 6.95 from Laserflair but in vcd..no subtitles..couldnt find in dvd.. so im going to get the soundtrack...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
~Bought HP Books Online~

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Anyway, i watch the "Orphan" in the theatres yesterday and i find that it is not a waste of money to watch it... try it.. its thrilling and cool... =))
And now i just re-watched "Love Actually" again and there's this celebrity uncle in it, singing the song now playing on my blog... and its so catchy that i need to post the picture of the dvd casing + my newly self-coloured nails + the first 2 phrases of the song as my blog header...hahhaa..I know its too early for Christmas.. but i always do things my way... if i like it, i can add chinese new yr songs in..hahaa....
one more week and my best fren will be back...
`Love is all around, if u try to find it...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
~Dyed, Mi Hair!~
"OMG!! i need to dye my hair!!
My lovely brown hair... hahhahaa.... ok.. dyeing brown is so common especially in Singapore.. but I'm happy with it...Brilliant Job....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
~Happy 23rd, Candy!~

- I'm picking up every detail of Harry Potter's....i was thinking whats so interesting abt HP..my sis got into "fever mode" over it some years ago but i couldnt understand why... since ive got the time now, i think it would be nice to find out... and i finally noe y.. ITS BLOODY WICKED!!! and im happy that im into the "fever" at this time, at the 6th book, 6th movie....so next yr i can watch the final movie without forgetting any details of the story... cos my sis saes she has already forgotton the little details and characters..boo hoo hoo.. how sad... lol.. ask me anything abt HP if u are unsure or in doubt of... if i cant answer u, i'll be more delighted to find out too... haha.. btw did i mention, im so into Severus Snape? hahhaa... and of cos the super actor, Mr Alan Rickman.. he is sure fantastic actor...
- My God sis had an op last week and she is recuperating at my hse right now... an excuse to not blog...
- Nothing special happened..
Anyway i was thinking back abt my 23 yrs of life...
Similar to majority of the kids in SG, got into kindergarden at age 5... had my first kiddo bf then... lol...
Then i entered pri sch... ive got in 4 pri schs... the last one at Greenridge Pri was my happiest...frm getting into choir, became a leader then made many many frens and even entered into recording studio & had a Christmas album done up..
Sec sch days are neither exceptionally happy nor sad...
Got into poly, had a bunch of nice frens who are still in active contact.. had my first serious relationship with a senior and ended after 4-1/2 yrs...up till now i still dunno the reason of ending..
Started another relationship during my 2 working yrs, shortly after ending the first one... i can only describe it as, sweet and painful topped with disappointmentS...so it started quickly ended quickly...
Then i went into University... hmmm...
and im having summer vacations now... lol..
After the breakup, i've never been feeling so light and somehow i felt myself growing up.. got into more deeper thinkings and i feel happy to be alone most of the time..hahhaa.. weird isnt it? im begining to feel that probably ive been into r/s for too long and have not spent time on myself... have not spent enough fun times with my frens either... yeah.. this must be it...hahha..
ooh my bloody brain...
Think dats enough of my life... zzzz...think i will write all these again when im 60 maybe...then i can write more....
hahhaha... and i've just received my best birthdae present this yr!!!
A vid of my frens sending their birthdae wishes to me in UK now....hahahhaa....
im so touched.. it is so sweet....
Thank u pple!!!
i shall upload here soon...
Lastly, Happy Birthday Candy!!!