Me now @ work... feeling tired yet happy cos tis the small weekend already..** Munching 2 tidak Halah Baoz that Christopher bought for us...Thanks ya..saved the trouble over decidin the breakfast**

One in my tummy already...hehe...
Yesterday went back ard 7pm cos my irritating colleague, Mr Eri*, a totally AH, handed me 3 pages of requisition from the Captain when i was abt to knock off. The worst part was that it was all in Bahasa Indonesia and this vessel in leaving in the weekend. So from rewritting the requisition, sending out to source for quotes, den replies (takes few hrs to get complete 3 quotes), comparing between pricings, open PO, get signatures and fax out to suppliers, it really takes at least half the day. If u send the PO outin the afternoon, suppliers may not make it on time to deliver on the same day...anyway, it's complicated..
Den there's this GL cum AH manager, Mr Y* Wong, that only noes malay words like makan, signed and approved the requisition. Wa Lao... everytime oso sign blindly..he's the type whereby he only wans to get the things done and go home early.. TYPICAL AH!!! (good thing is that today is his last day, so i have this outburst of Joy in me...)
Ok...finally vent out my anger....continue to eat my bao...hehe... oso have to work liaoz..GAMBATTE!!!
Oh ya.. yesterday went to buy alot of tidbits to choc, wang wang xue bing, wafers, alot lar...yummy..heaven..... ~Simply Sinful~

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