Den aft the 3hr plus flight, here I am in HK airport!!! (photo taken when ma needed to go toilet)…other than some flight attendants and the passengers, there were nothing to c.. no shops ,not much flowers, no welcoming signs.. Even the lightings are of boring white fluorescent tubes.. arGh…

Then we had to take this train (something like our skytrain) to proceed to the immigration. IMMIGRATION SO FAR FOR WAD SIA!!! so ma fan sia..where got liddat de.. come out from airplane already so tired liao.. still need to walk and take train..HaiZ!! **shake head** CMI…
Then the next dae, 1st and 2nd aunty brought us to a Chinese old shop for porridge.. this shop have been ard for decades..since I small small I came here to have porridge le..oh ya. btw, porridge in HK tastes veri differently..if I not mistaken, they got put ginko nuts in de..its neither thick or watery.. more like gluey. nice.. veri cheap too.. add a little fine salt and it tastes great..

we ordered side dish like “Zhar(3) Leong(2)”, fried dough sticks wrapped in zhu chang fen..HK restaurants and food outlets like to paste their menus and pricing all over the wall..makes u hard to decide on to eat..

Practically, pple in HK loves to shop and eat.. so my trip and this whole posting is all abt food. (cos I really din really go shop..the aunties couldn’t walk far and neither they wiling to let me shop on my own..faint..)
So in the afternoon, we headed to a Chinese dim sum restaurant at Tsim Sah Tsui to have buffet lunch!

Railway train map(top)& MTR route map(bottom)(HK have MTR = our MRT, and oso have railway train)

They have special first class cabins where u have to tap the octopus card for another time at the first class cabin area. If I’m not mistaken first class is twice the price of the normal ticket. Its worth it cos u no need squeeze urself with the other pple during peak hrs, especially when carrying mani shopping bags, so u can comfortably sit throughout the journey!

Then dinner at near the hotel I stayed at mong kok east area..My Porky rice with tomato sauce!! SGD 4.00 for a mega big plate..2 persons can share..

Normally in sg whereby we have chicken rice set, they give us 2 small leaves of veg, but here, (look at the veg in the black sq plate) they give us almost a whole packet of veg.
actually can sae that HKers are veri particular of wad they eat. like Japan. cos they have too many places where they sell cheap and good food. so if u are stingy and not up to standard, they will not go back to patronize again. not like us.. not good but die die will go back cos lazy to go other place to eat..have to take bus and all.. so ma fan..
Soon nite came. time to go back hotel via minivan..if u dunno wad is a minivan, this is how they look. they are like taxi but they have 10 person’s capacity. the uncle must wait for at least 7 passengers b4 they drive off.. feeder services costs abt SGD1.40 per ride..u pay by cash, and longer routes u use the octopus card (like our ezlink card) to pay. and u can choose to alight anywhere along the route so long the area is not a restricted area.Oh ya.. HK has a population of abt twice of Sg’s but the land is abt the same size as us.. so can sae dat its veri packed and every building except private condos, have shops at the ground floor.. so to attract business, they hung big mega sign boards at the sides of the buildings. so at nite it looks lovely with all the lightings..

Soon “Dong Zhi” came so ma n I had dinner at 1st aunt’s hse.. so we went to the market.
Buy…And buy…Still Buying..

Den hungry le..
So eat..

And eat…
Den dinner came…

The green coloured drink is menthol liquor..not bad..So we ate again… (u cannot escape from eatin when wif the aunties…=.<) These are my cousins..Peggy on left, Angel on right..

They bought us Christmas gifts!!

Den after dinner time to check whether got “tio” toto.. they call it “lok hup choi” means u 6 number combination..like our toto la.. den boh tio..KNS!! so I ate big foot ice cream cool down…

And the day ended..
Den the next day we went Fen Ling to look for 1st Aunt again.. Her husband brought us to view some exhibitions..
Chey..orchids we oso have ma…yawns…(but they are lovely..HK climate veri hard to grow orchids de)Insects..ewww..got KAKA oso!! eeeeeeeee!!~~Den fishes..eh.. Along the road of SP oso got this kind of fish…can catch and exhibit oso leh..hehehehe…Are we in zoo??

Then these are LOVE BIRDS!! so cute de lor…KIREI NA!~
Can u c dat actulli there’s 2 love birds hugging together, forming heart shape?

Auntie n Uncle too..Ma n Me..

u noe wad is this??

At nite we met up with 2nd aunt and had dinner at JORDAN’S CURRY HSE!!!
(suddenly everydae eat HK food veri sian one.. so I really enjoyed the Indian food cos it tastes like those in SG!!)
Then the next day, I had “Lar Zar Min a.k.a “Cha-ir Zai Min” for breakfast..
Basically u can order wad u wan..like yong tao hu..but much lesser varieties. and majority of the food are pig’s blood,liver,skin,tummy,intestine..etc…soup base taste like lor mee minus the vinegar..

After breakfast ma wanted to get some dry goods..they sell like this…preserved meat all hung up..smells really nice…

Den we headed to 2nd aunt’s hse for a visit…
Look at this japan cherry apple.. KAWAII!!
And then I finally saw my cousin’s son, Qian Jia Ju…he is veri notti…**shake head** like NTK..
Then we left for dinner at a shopping mall for steamboat..
u noe wad are these??
its like dumplings..but inside was stuffed with custard, char siew, red bean etc..and u cook in the steamboat..creative rite? it tastes nice too..
Last day b4 I head for China, we went to visit my grandmother at the elderly care..their care center machiam like hotel liddat.. unlike ours where u’ll feel so ke lian for the old folks..then we took her out for lunch.. My grandma so happy when she’s out cos she can smoke..hahaha..In case u are confused by how mani aunts I have let me now tell u..I have 3 aunties, my ma falls at the 4th place, then a uncle after her (but he migrated to US..din manage to c him in so mani yrs), den 2 aunts after him. so my grandma had 7 kids. Left to right: My ma, 2nd aunt, 3rd aunt, big aunt, 7th aunt. (6th aunt is a teacher so she not free to meet), my grandma in the center.
3 generations..do we resemble?
My 3rd auntie’s hse have a cat named “Fa Fa” = flower…hua hua…she’s female.. veri pretty ba.. I c her so pretty I oso jealous..hehehehehe…
Den aft dat we went back to hotel le..
Ok.. I seriously need to stop for a while to end this posting.. it’s so long.. now u noe I really had no time to post all these..hehehehe.. continuation of this will be abt the 3D2N China holiday I had..stay tuned...
I am not notti hor! play cheat, why compare me with a kid ? you are the nottiest!
CANDY!!! ur hongkong trip looks so much fun! FOOD AND THE ROSE GARDEN! gosh! its so pretty. and ur perm hair i like it alot. i wanna perm my hair too! =D
i didnt turn up for zheng's birthday! =(
she forgot to invite me! SOBSOB!!
haha but im glad it was fun still.
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