Choc is very delighted and welcomed her at the first instance...
He even shared his only property-the hse, with her and respected her by not entering it unless she allows him to.... very sweet of him...

Btw, the new pig was named Creamer as Ma says the hair on Creamer's head looks like a twirl of cream on a cuppucino...
So now i have Chocolate Creamer... lol.. slurp.. sounds delicious...~

Let's welcome Creamer!!~

Isnt she pretty? lol...
Right now she is approx 20 cm in lgth but a bit skinny comparing to Choc when he first came...
She's abt 6 mths old... ard the same age of Choc... perhaps she is even a teeny weeny bit older than him..
Choc is so so SO SO FAT NOW~!
But one thing im not veri happi now is that Choc seemed to place his interest all on Creamer and he stops Wheeking loudly as before!!~ HMmph!~ Ma very sad too.. Haha...
Choc, pls wheek!!!!!!~

He laid outside the hse for one whole day....

Take a closer look at Creamer~

I'm just bullshitting, really....
Choc is no longer lonely now and he is rumbles like a motorcycle every now and then..
What's a Rumble -A rumble, which sounds like a purring sound, happens usually when a male piggy is romancing another guinea pig. A female can also make this sound if she is in season. A rumble sounds deeper than a purr with a vibrating effect. While making this sound a guinea pig will sway their hips and walk around another guinea pig. This is known as the mating dance, other terms used are motorboating or rumble strutting.
(Extracted from
Listen to Choc's Rumble
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