Candy misses her work desk with her name on the display tag....

Candy misses sitting right outside MK Chan's rm and misses complaining all the breathing of the 2nd hand smoke coming out frm PT's office...
Candy misses wearing the SKL jacket which cost her 10 bucks, straight deducted frm her salary..

Candy misses digging into Ah Hui's drawer to find things to eat...
Wang wang, choc, twisties etc....
Candy misses her slimmer body... and she swears to be slimmer than before by her 23rd bdae..
Candy misses scolding pple for koping her mandarin oranges during CNY.... (also for other stuffs like pens, stapler, shou duan jiao ah!!!)
Candy misses Ah Boon for drawing funny faces all over the oranges too..
Candy misses Debbie, Daiping, Yumin too...
Candy misses working with this she Zhong Se Qing You dun wan me le.. ask me to queue to date her....

Ah Tang misses Marlio!!! She's my pretty laopo...
Ah Tang misses Diyana too.. and my friendly neighbour Ngesti...oh ya.. not forgetting those pple in the Comms Rm...Ben, Jusup, Papa Hoosang, Leong....


This is my Mistress Weiling....she veri bimbo.. so i like her...LOL...

Candy misses Khalima too... she is allergic to ointment smell...she would keep burping after

Ah Tang misses Marlio!!! She's my pretty laopo...

but i dun miss that Suboh & YK & Eric though...
Can c those things pinned on the partition board? Little gifts frm the nice pple ard me...

Ah Tang miss the times where Laopo & Trey bickered... they are so funny...


This is my Mistress Weiling....she veri bimbo.. so i like her...LOL...

Candy misses Khalima too... she is allergic to ointment smell...she would keep burping after
Candy miss these 2 persons...They are the early ones i met when i first got into SKL...
I was having a tour given by Angeline and these pple are inside, with Wentat too... then when i exited.. they kept laughing...later then i knew they were saying:"here comes another Suay person"...
Eugene n Ah Boon- they are the first to go ard asking if anyone wanna refill the water bottles...
Oh ya.. Eu Eu would make a damn funny expression when he eats wasabi... haha...
Candy misses Huiqing... she's another person who can see things i cannot c...
Or maybe its damn obvious but i sank in it so i couldnt c....
I remembered she calls me :"Ah Tang Ah Tang, Zou San Ah!! "(good morning in canto) every morning i see her....
N until now, we still dunno who spreaded that he is a relative of Anne's.... lol...

Candy misses MK Chan.... he is my boss... i missed the way he scolds Arko over the phone...super funny....all the KNN n F...hahhaha...
I wanna be like her when im at her age too...

Candy misses MK Chan.... he is my boss... i missed the way he scolds Arko over the phone...super funny....all the KNN n F...hahhaha...
He is very nice actually and he seldom scolds me.. maybe cos i take coffee for him? lol..u wouldnt want extra stuff in ur coffee rite?? LOl...JK...
"What's for 3pm today?"
Green bean soup? Red bean soup? Fu Zhu Yi Mi? Pancakes? Butterflies?
Candy misses Pantry Ah Ma... we call her auntie la.. lol...she brews veri nice coffee..
Candy misses Nurul... and all her talking abt "Muthu"...
Oh ya.. side track a bit.. Candy misses NDP 2008!!!
All the Enciks etc....we kept on having functions when NDP ended...
But now no more le...

Candy misses these pple too....
Ming Fong & Chew Pin- saw then abt a mth ago at JP...

Dude....super crappy person who always gets molested by Eroy....

Huiling's sister, hui ing....she is already a mother, only one yr older than me...

Candy misses then times in Eski Bar... it used to be at Holland V....then it closed and opened at somewhere new...
Ming Fong & Chew Pin- saw then abt a mth ago at JP...

Dude....super crappy person who always gets molested by Eroy....
Huiling....became a mother already....

Huiling's sister, hui ing....she is already a mother, only one yr older than me...

Candy misses then times in Eski Bar... it used to be at Holland V....then it closed and opened at somewhere new...
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