Sunday, January 17, 2010

~Last Supper~

I was having dinner with 2 of my best frens the other day and i popped this question to them.

"What would you request as your last meal if you are serving a death penalty tmr?"
Almost immediately, Boon said:"I want a large salmon with all the insides taken out and laying all sorts of beautiful sashimi inside it."

Then Hui said:" STEAKS LAR, OF COS!!" she loves beef...

I told them i would'nt have any appetite and probably request for a cup of tea..
Then Hui said:" You are going to die tmr...Full also die, hungry also die.. might as well eat until full full!!"

Sometimes i really admire her for her ability to accept any nasty facts/situations calmly and even able to benefit the best out from them...

To tell the truth, i'm influenced by her and i'm treating myself much better now..

So for my last meal it would be this!

Manchurian-Han Feast!!

They consist of 108 dishes and my favourite Peking duck is in it!
One mouth from every dish would burst me
and keep me RIP!
ps: one last paper tmr! whoots!

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