Wednesday, February 24, 2010



What's the impression you have on them?
Funny/Trying-To-Be- Funny?
Helpful? Irritating? Disgusting?
I've met quite alot of them in my previous job and
there are some who i could not forget because they have placed quite
an impression in the pte ltd memory space of my brain.
There's this girl called A working for a company who sells practically anything, from toilet rolls to wire ropes... and because she quotes the lowest price for almost anything over other suppliers, she always gets the PO from us... but the thing is...your stuff MAY not catch in time for delivery before the ship departs the port... and your head gets burnt after that..Then if you stopped ordering from her, she would PLEAD over the phone to get orders..
So sometimes, you are forced to be the bad/good guy..

But of course, there are other suppliers which they helped me alot before
(even though they may not quote the best)..
some even visits or even keep in touch on facebook/msn after i quit the job...
And recently, i've been quite obssessed with online shopping and came across this supplier who sells fashion accessories... i find her quite cute because she sent me this a couple of days ago..

Hope your son will get well soon..

ok gtg for class now...hehe..


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