Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ah Jia's injury

AIYO!!! Last sundae there’s this kid who banged her head against the car door..den had a baluku+ a cut in the middle of her forehead.. CMI la…it was raining n so she wanted to quickly get into her car den open door, kenna bitten by the car door..aiyo.. Zert Zert Zert (lizard sound) **shake head**…so ke lian sia. But den she din cry leh.. quite a brave little NTK…hahahahahahahahahahahha…………………………….Ntk, u guai ah.. when the wound completely heal, I rub the baluku wif the egg 4 u…heh heh heh……

then abt a week ago I did a hair extension…first dae din dare to comb my hair.. slp oso ma fan..den now boh chap le la…wun drop one de la…hahaha… actually got a bit waste $$.. cos my hair already quite long… but now the hair longer, I MERRIER!!! Heheheehe…@_@....

last ting.. I got a new pair of new earring from NTK….nice rite?? Shiney shiney one..hehehehee.. thanks u ah Jia!!!~ MuackS!!

Oh ya one more thing.. ah NTK’s nottie sis ah Shiowei just came back frm m’sia…she hor veri funni one…next time I intro her here…
Welcome back ah Wei!!!~

Ah Tang a.k.a Candi’licious
How Licious are u?

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