Last sat need to work ma.. den ah hui work e 12pm chop-chop go off liao.. heh heh heh, uncle eric oso going off.. so he sent us to IMM.. cos dat ah hui wan to c the dunno what Xing Guang Si Shao…wa….i tot veri handsome liddat, machiam like F4.. but kns..only 50% of the power of the flowery 4… I din c them cos they weren’t there yet.. so I judged them by the billboard lor..budden, ah hui sae they very good in singing…n I agreed lor.. of cos wad, if not wad for take part in singing competition sia? Throat itchy meh?
When we arrived, Jason was already shopping on his own at ps, ah min was sittin on the floor at the station…Pai sei Ah!!!!~
Then we chop-chop went Nihon Mura @ The Cathay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ MUMM mUMM!!!!!!THE SASHIMI SUPER FRESH LOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO CCCCCHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP OSO!! Too bad I din take any pics of it.. but I remembered its selling @ abt 3+.. even Sakura oso lose liao lor…5+? Hahaha…and so I ate n ate… needless to sae, i’m the one finishing all the food lor.. those aunties n dat ah chek eat so little one.. CMI…

More food….budden the bacon wrap with golden mushrooms no good though..good for pple with cavity.. cos it can fill every single gap in ur need c dentist..
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