These pictures were taken off a webpage and was given to mi frm mi fren Jeremiah... Gomawo Jere!!~
They are so funny that i have to share... These pictures are obviously exaggerated but it's fun to see....
Do's & Don'ts with Babies!!~
1) Not to use Air Horn to wake the Baby- i think the baby will die of heart attack...
Imagine the Baby's reaction!! hahhhahahhaa...
2) Never choose a babysitter who trades work with food - put aside the working capabilities, wad if later he eats the baby when u dun give him food?
3) Never use ur fingers to clear the Baby's nose- LOL... HHAHHAHA!!!i know u guys enjoy digging ur own noses but pls dun dig for the baby!!
I rmb a saying:
When u dig ur nose, u feel shiok.. but if u help pple dig the nose, he dun feel shiok... hahhahha....
Now i get it...
4) THIs is so bloody obvious..
5) WAHAHHAHAHA... when i saw this pic, i was laughing madly..
My mum told me that when my sis was young, my sis used to drag the doll ard and holding "her" like in the "don't" picture...
Then the head dropped off one day..
so if u hold the baby like that, ur baby will end up like the fate of my sis's doll..HAHHAHHAHAA!!!
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