Thursday, February 28, 2008


every day busy busy de...hmmm..anyway..cleared my exams.. phew... kns grades.. but okie la.. heheheheheheehe...
hmmm... tmr pay dae le!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
still strugglin dunno wan go UK study or not.. but if got chance i think better go ba...good ma.. can find ang mo bf?? hehehe.. no dun like ang mo bf.. cant communicate lor.. i tok singlish oso buay hiao..moreover i got so many canto n hokkien verbs & ang mo to me are so gentleman all the time..den other ger like him how?? hahahahaha...den they like so suay bian one.. drink drink den excuse go cheat on me..cannot la..not sae all bad but 80% bad rite?? hehehe...
yawn.. goin 3 pm le..dunno todae pantry got wad sia..heheehehe...yawns..

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