Monday, February 4, 2008

Status: Single

It wasnt easy to forget everythin overnite... my eyes are swollen like boiled eggs.. wadever.. time will heal.. prob i'll have time for myself more...u're selfish.. too selfish.. but argh.. i still have u pple, my frens, out there.. thanks for everythin.. love u pple...
for those pple who are "shocked" by this, dun be.. and dun be worried abt me.. i'm fine.. i'll recover better than anythin.. i'll become stronger, stronger..
4 yrs is a long time but i will use 4 days to forget abt u.. cos u are unworthy for my love.. and no, absolutely NOT.. that we can become frens... never NEVER EVEr!!!

Oh YA, CNY IS COMING!!! HAppy CNY to ALL.. I'll THroW u Out like the TrasH!!!!

1 comment:

attitudelamb said...

candy can we hug each other and cry?
tho urs should be more painful than mine but somehow i wish i can just give u a comfort hug right now.
selfish guys should just have their cocks chopped off and fed to the crocodiles. @!#$(@12#!$
burn them alive.
candy if no one wants u, i DO!
but someone will be there for u.
if not i will marry u. love YA! ;]